Okay, so it's been AGES since i last wrote and I have an excuse (I always do :P). Life has been so hectic, what with me now being in the 12th grade and all, not to mention all the studies and homework that have been piled on us poor, weary sufferers.
And now is the time, each 12th grader has to face somthing that used to seem so far off a few years ago... something that will affect their entire future...
I too have been overwhelmed by the various college choices I have had and still have to make... Which college to go to, what exams to take, where to study.....these questions are dancing around in my head and giving me nightmares...
It's a little too much to take and sometimes I wish the choices I have to take would already be taken and the my path would be laid out there for me to follow...
But then, I realise that the fact that I HAVE choices that I can make is something to be VERY thankful for....
So College, here I come....in 9 months or so^_^