Today was the last day of school...and MAN will I miss these guys...uh, GIRLS.:P. I've been in this school just one year and even I was crying today, knowing that I will never experience another scream-filled break, no more counseling sessions with our Biology sir, no more "sharing"(more like hogging without permission....oh well...whatever:P) food in our (very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very noisy) breaks, no more frenzied studying for tests we'd forgotten about, no more imitating teachers, no more name-calling(in a fun bff kinda way, as I learnt later), no more pranking, or laughing our butts off about completely random things that nobody but us find funny....

I can't stop crying.....
I don't WANT to be a grown-up college girl...I want to stay 16 forever...a little innocent (:P...hardly, but again, whatever...)clueless school girl....
The nostalgia is almost suffocating....
But I suppose, you have to face things like this, huh? Friends may come , and friends may go...but each one leaves a mark...and I'm glad I got to know these girls....I really am.

So anyway, today was the craziest day ever....
The 12th graders (note, the oldest and supposedly most "mature" *cough cough* girls in school) all held hands and made this big ring in the basketball court....
And no, we did not sing Kumbaya...
We played...Ring-A-Round-The-Roses.
I kid you not.

Okay, so maybe it wasn't the most "mature" thing to do...but it sure made the last day of school a whole lot memorable. That and the whole screaming like little 6 year-olds and running around like Energizer bunnies high on sugar....

In all, VERY fun:P